Review Homestay | Sunset Hobbit Cottage

Review Homestay | Sunset Hobbit Cottage

Sharing info since a lot of you asking about our stay in Kundasang.

Sunset cottage

Sunset Hobbit Cottage by Humble Hobbit Home

See.. senang kan park depan pintu je dah boleh masuk rumah terus. The other units we saw kena naik tangga punya la tinggi. Imagine if you have a handful of heavy luggage errrrrr pengsan!

Sunset ni unit hobbit yang paling besar and parking pun paling best. Park kereta depan entrance je tak payah nak naik turun tangga. Sangat mudah especially if you’re travelling with small kids or elderly. Unit ni ada 3 queen bed. Memang selesa untuk family anak ramai macam kami ni.

The bunk bed. Kukuh ya don’t worry. Ada 2 queen bed di bahagian atas, and 1 queen bed kat bawah. Kids as usual terus claim the top bed and buat hideout
The common/living area. Tv with movies for your entertainment

Cottage ni complete dengan fridge, dapur dan utensils, pots semua. Selesa lah kalau nak masak ke apa tapi konsep mak, time bercuti no masak-masak ya. I want to enjoy the moment gituhhhhh.

Common area pun selesa ada sofa and bench/chairs untuk lepak tengok tv or kopi-kopi. I love the toilet and the owner really put some effort in it. Bukan setakat ada toilet, then settle. Tidak ya. Toilet dia cantik, besar, bersih dan selesa. Mak approved. And the water heater works well too. Penting ya sebab lewat petang ke pagi esoknya Kundasang memang sangat sejuk.

Unit ni ada stand fan, extra plug kot nak charge phone korang yang kemain banyak tu, ubat nyamuk, iron, towel, selipar eh mostly almost everything needed is provided
I love how they try to instill greeneries amid the wooden walls
Dapur complete. Fridge je kosong hahahaha
Ni indoor pantry. Nak masak buat kenduri ke ada outdoor kitchen just next door. Periuk belanga semua ada. Bahan je takde
So cute ada random heart shape tiles kat lantai dapur ni
Toilet cantik fefeeling mandi in the woods

Hobbit homes ni always sold out. Sebab dia one of a kind and view memang A+. People don’t mind to pay more for themed home like this especially with a killer view. So advisable plan your stay and book months earlier to secure your unit.

Lepak kat dining table pun view gunung. Loveeeeee!

Penulis : Elly A. Rahman